Docker Important Commands:
1. To show the information about the docker
docker info
2. To show all the management and other command used in docker
docker --help
3. To show only running container
docker container ls/list/ps
4. To show all containers (Running, Stop, Exited)
docker container ls -a
5. To run/deploy a container
docker container run ubuntu
6. To run/deploy a container with sleep 60s
docker container run ubuntu sleep 60
7. To run/deploy a container with sleep 60s with busy the terminal (detach mode)
docker container run -d ubuntu sleep 60
8. To run/deploy a container in background ( detach | interactive)
docker container run -d -it ubuntu sleep 60
9. To stop a container with container id or container name (gracefully)
docker container stop <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
10. To start a container with container id or container name
docker container start <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
11. To restart a container with container id or container name
docker container restart <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
12. To remove a stop/exited container with container id or container name
docker container rm <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
13. To remove a running container with container id or container name forcefully
docker container rm <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> -f
14. To remove multiple container with container id or container name
15. To run a container and get the container shell (inside a container)
docker container rm <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
16. To get the information about a container (inspect a container)
docker container inspect <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
17. To check the CPU, Memory and other resource usage statistics a single/multiple container
docker container stats <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
18. To see the running processes of a container
docker container top <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
docker container top <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
19. To map container to a port to access it outside docker host
docker container run -it -p 3600:80 ubuntu /bin/bash
20. To rename a container (if existing container running on default name change as our need
docker container rename <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> <NEW_NAME>
21. To create a container with a name of your choice
docker container run -it --name <CONTAINER_NAME> ubuntu
22. To enter into a running container
docker container attach <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
23. To pause a running container
docker container pause <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
24. To un-pause a pause container
docker container unpause <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
25. To stop a running container forcefully
docker container kill <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
26. To copy file from docker host to a running container (e.g. in /tmp directory)
docker container cp <FILE_NAME> <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>:/tmp/
27. To export a container as file and share with anyone
docker container export <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> > <FILENAME.tar>
28. To export a container as file and share with anyone
docker container export <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> -o <FILENAME.tar>
29. To import an exported container file and create an image out of it
docker image import <FILENAME.tar> <NEW_NAME_AS_YOUR_CHOICE>
Now run a new container from the exported image
docker container run -it <IMAGE_NAME> /bin/bash
30. To create an image from a running container
31. To inspect changes on container filesystem
docker container diff <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
32. To run a command into a running container
docker container exec <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
33. To fetch logs from a container
docker container logs <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
34. To list port mapping for the container
docker container port <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
35. To remove all stopped container
docker container prune
36. To update the configuration of a container
docker container update <OPTION> <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
37. To block until one or more container stop, then print their exit code
docker container wait <CONTAINER_ID/NAME>
38. To create a MySQL container with environment Variable (Empty Password)
docker container run -it --name mysql-server -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql
docker container run -it --name mysql-server -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql
39. How to remove all stopped container at once (trick)
docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq)
Note: "q" will print all the container id
Docker Create Image, Pull, Push and Docker Hub
1. Docker Hub login
docker login
docker login
Login with your username and password for the Docker Hub account
2. How to tag an existing image for pushing to the docker hub account
3. To push your local image to Docker Hub Repository
docker image push <gautamthakur1983/IMAGE_NAME>
4. To create an image from a Dockerfile
docker image build -t <IMAGE_NAME_OF_YOUR_CHOICE> .
Note: "." represent the path of "Dockerfile" as currently Dockerfile is from where we are building the docker image.
5. To list all the available images
docker image ls
docker image ls
6. How to remove an image
docker rmi <IMAGE_NAME>
Docker Volume, Mount
1. To create a Docker Volume
docker volume creare <VOLUME_NAME>
2. To get information about the Docker Volume
docker volume inspect <VOLUME_NAME>
3. To create a container with available docker volume
docker container run -it -v <VOLUME_NAME>:/tmp --name <CONTAINER_NAME> ubuntu /bin/bash
/tmp where we are mounting a volume while creating a new container
Thanks for visiting on this page, I have create this page for my own Docker practice. Stay tune for the latest post on other topics.