Docker Important Commands: image source: 1. To show the information about the docker docker info 2. To show all the management and other command used in docker docker --help 3. To show only running container docker container ls/list/ps 4. To show all containers (Running, Stop, Exited) docker container ls -a 5. To run/deploy a container docker container run ubuntu 6. To run/deploy a container with sleep 60s docker container run ubuntu sleep 60 7. To run/deploy a container with sleep 60s with busy the terminal (detach mode) docker container run -d ubuntu sleep 60 8. To run/deploy a container in background ( detach | interactive) docker container run -d -it ubuntu sleep 60 9. To stop a container with container id or container name (gracefully) docker container stop <CONTAINER_ID/NAME > 10. To start a container with container id or container name docker container start <CONTAINER_ID/NAME > 11. To restart a container with container id or container name docker contai...