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How to deploy NODE.JS application on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04

Hi Friends,

Today, we are going to deploy NodeJS sample application from GITHUB so you have a basic idea,

How can we deploy NodeJS application in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04

Installation of NodeJS 
Installation of GIT (If not installed) 

GITHUB Sample application URL –
Step 1: Install the curl package 
[If not already installed]

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl -y

Step 2: Add the NodeJS PPA for install the NodeJS
curl -sL | sudo bash -     
[PPA for Long Term Support (LTS) version]

Step 3: Install the NodeJS package
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y

Step 4: Clone the repository to root directory
sudo -i
git clone

Step 5: Now install the npm package from where package.json is –
cd the-example-app.nodejs
npm install

Step 6: Now finally run the NodeJS application

[this application will run on port 3000, make sure port allow on Firewall]
npm run start:dev

Now run the application on browser

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